Stay up-to-date with the newest announcements of Digify and have a look at previous achievements.


If you want to be awesome at emails, add these 10 plugins to your Gmail today
Digify for Gmail is an email tracker on steroids. Use this app for keeping control of your attachments and image files. Use it to limit access to your attachments. Track when they are opened, printed or forwarded and shared with others. Then self-destruct, un-send or revoke your attachments at will.

How to use Google Docs
The encrypted file can be accessed with a password. That apart, Cloud storage is generally safer than local storage. If you are still apprehensive about the safety you can add an extra layer of security with Digify.

Send and track secure Gmail attachments
Digify lets you limit access to your attachments and track them right from Gmail Sending email attachments is an uncertain business. Did your recipient print it? Pass it on? Did they even open it? Find out with this Chrome extension.

New free tool lets you send gmail attachments that self-destruct
Yahoo Finance
Digify is a great Chrome extension that adds a number of nifty features to Gmail – as long as you use Gmail in your browser and not in a third-party email client, of course.
The focus here is tracking and security, which are obviously top priorities for many users in both enterprise and personal settings.

New free tool lets you send gmail attachments that self-destruct
One of the best things about Gmail – aside from the fact that it offers tons of storage and a terrific feature set for free – is that Google not only allows but encourages enhancements from third-party developers.
Digify is a great Chrome extension that adds a number of nifty features to Gmail – One of the coolest features has to be the ability to send emails with attachments that self-destruct. This secure feature is built right into the Gmail composer after you install the Digify Chrome extension, and it lets you attach documents or other files that will self-destruct after a predetermined amount of time.

Digify for Gmail lets users track, unsend & control sent email attachments
PC Tech
Digify for Gmail enhances lifetime security and control of attachments sent with Gmail, so that people can easily know when their files are opened, who viewed them, and how many times they are accessed.
Digify’s copy protection technology protects content against copying, printing and downloads. Digify’s patent pending adaptive watermarking technology helps deter screenshots. Additional security options are also available to restrict access and control forwarding of attachments.

Digify for Gmail: Mission Impossible for your email attachments
Network World
Easy-to-use, enterprise-level content protection
What about if you could have a modicum of enterprise-level functionality, but within a quick and easy user paradigm. This is the angle Digify is trying to push. The company was created with the idea of simplicity with control—content protection but easily, freely and effectively.

Digify can set Gmail attachments to self-destruct, Mission Impossible style
Digify is announcing a security technology that makes it possible to track, unsend, and even self-destruct email attachments sent through Google’s Gmail.
The Digify tracking allows Gmail users to see when and where their content is forwarded, and they can choose to unsend attachments at any time. The Digify for Gmail service is available today as a free extension for the Chrome browser. Gmail has more than a billion active users and 5 million businesses using it.

Share documents securely with Digify, a 'Snapchat for business content'
This blog post will self-destruct in 24 hours. Or it would if it were a document sent to you via Digify, a startup with offices in the Singapore and Silicon Valley that is building a tool for securely sharing documents, while ensuring that the recipients can’t copy, screenshot, or re-share those documents without your permission.

Innovation Sandbox Contest Returns to RSA Conference APJ 2015
RSA Conference
Digify helps protect important files from improper copying, printing, and downloading. The Digify user retains control of the file when sent to another recipient, such as tracking who has accessed it as well as un-sharing it afterwards. Think of Digify as a Snapchat for business files, Lim said. Don’t let others screenshot the contents of the file and have the file self-destruct after a certain time. It is useful for sharing confidential documents such as non-disclosure agreements, pitch decks, proposals, due diligence and investor updates, he said.

The Snapchat of business documents?
Fox Business News
Feature on Digify at SXSW in Austin, Texas.

Digify helps you protect your data by sending self-destructing files
It’s understandable if you’re nervous about sharing files in this era of widespread surveillance. Can you really trust that a document is safe once it’s out of your hands? Digify might just ease your mind now that it has launched Android and iOS apps for sharing self-destructing files. Rather than give people a direct download, the software only allows a peek at a given file for a set amount of time; once the Mission Impossible-style countdown hits zero, the content is gone for good.

Digify gives others self-destructing temporary access to Dropbox files
Sometimes you’d like to share a file without actually letting someone else have access to it permanently. Digify steps up, letting you give others temporary access to files–including those in Dropbox–that automatically expires.

Digify app lets you send self-destructing files
I’m not a regular user of Snapchat, but I do like the concept of ephemeral messaging. It’s nice being able to share content with a friend and not have to worry about it being saved for eternity. It gives you more control to decide who sees what, and for how long. That’s why I was drawn to the concept behind Digify, a newly launched smartphone app for iOS and Android.

Would your boss pay to automatically destroy employees' inappropriate emails and texts?
The Verge
“What our users want is control,” says founder and CEO Augustine Lim. “Traditionally when you send stuff to someone, the receiving party can do what they like. With our service the sender can lend out files for a limited amount of time.”

Digify: Secure, View Only, Self-Destructing File Sharing With Dropbox Support
It’s seemingly pivotal, from time to time, to discuss the essential process of protecting your sensitive data. We’ve discussed apps before that are designed to help you securely share files online, but today we’re going to take a look at another entry in that race that combines Snapchat like prowess with Dropbox-esque file sharing. The app is simply referred to as Digify and it aims to give you the most secure file sharing solution. The application achieves this via the good ‘ol file destruction method.

How to Put Your Emails & Posts on Self-Destruct Mode
Digify makes it easy to share files securely (and unshare them!), track who’s viewing them, and destroy them if you wish. You can even configure restrictions that prevent the recipients of your files from forwarding them or taking screenshots of them. Digify has apps for both desktop and mobile. You can try it for free.

[New App] Digify Wants To Be Snapchat For Sending Files, Even Supports Dropbox
Android Police
The problem with sharing files over the internet is that everything is permanent. Digify doesn’t fix this issue, but it sure attempts to by taking the Snapchat approach to privacy and applying it to files. Rather than giving someone permanent access to a document, it gets a time limit from the sender and initiates a self-destruct at said time. It even goes so far as to provide information on who has opened the file and how long they’ve interacted with it. For the sake of convenience, users can also browse Dropbox and send a file all from within the app.

With Digify, Shared files will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3...
Cloud companies always offer security alongside their file storage packages, but the truth is that any piece of data can be stolen so long as it can be accessed via the web. Now Digify is taking cues from Mission Impossible by offering a file sharing service that deletes documents after custom time periods.

Best android apps from July 2014
Cloud companies always offer security alongside their file storage packages, but the truth is that any piece of data can be stolen so long as it can be accessed via the web. Now Digify is taking cues from Mission Impossible by offering a file sharing service that deletes documents after custom time periods.

App Digify permite compartilhar arquivos que serão autodestrutíveis
Tecmundo Brazil
Recentemente, foi lançado o app Digify, que é uma ferramenta desenvolvida para aqueles momentos nos quais você deseja compartilhar arquivos particulares e ter o controle sobre todo o processo — incluindo o tempo pelo qual ele será instalado para a visualização e utilização do destinatário.

Digify é um aplicativo que destrói automaticamente seus arquivos sigilosos
Com o escândalo NSA e a espionagem mundial, é complicado se sentir seguro na internet. Há arquivos de texto, imagens e vídeos que são pessoais e devem ser totalmente privados e de acesso restrito. É isso o que Digify promete. Esse aplicativo permite o compartilhamento seguro de informações e com a autodestruição para acabar com os itens sigilosos.

Bitcoin Companies Take The Stage At SXSW Interactive
Bitcoin Magazine
Digify allows users to maintain control over shared content. Through this multi-platform file sharing service, it can notify users if someone is viewing their files or if the files are being forwarded. Users can set their shared content to self-destruct once opened. There are also other options for users, such as view-only and unshared. Through Digify, users can protect their files or calculate how often the file has been viewed by recipients.

22 modules et extensions Gmail pour améliorer la productivité de votre messagerie électronique
Digify for Gmail est une extension de Gmail qui vous permet de suivre, d’annuler et de programmer les pièces jointes pour qu’elles s’autodétruisent. Si vous envoyez quotidiennement des documents essentiels ou sensibles, cette extension est parfaite pour vous. Vous n’avez pas besoin d’un compte Digify pour utiliser cette extension.

Cinco Días
Digify lets you limit access to your attachments and track them right from Gmail Sending email attachments is an uncertain business. Did your recipient print it? Pass it on? Did they even open it? Find out with this Chrome extension.

Con Digify gli allegati di Gmail si autodistruggeranno tra 3, 2, 1...
L’Ispettore Gadget ne andrebbe fiero: Digify è un servizio che promette non solo di tracciare, ma anche di autodistruggere gli allegati inviati tramite gli indirizzi di posta Gmail, grazie all’integrazione dei suoi comandi nella casella di posta di Google.
Disponibile come estensione di Chrome, Digify prima di tutto, consente di cancellare l’invio di un’email: a differenza dell’opzione “undo” di Gmail — che ha un tempo limitato — con questa estensione è valida in qualsiasi momento.

5 Herramientas web para los profesores 2.0
Digify for Gmail – Track & Unsend Attachments: para saber cuándo se han leído sus archivos adjuntos de Gmail.

Digify para Gmail permite enviar adjuntos que luego de un tiempo determinado se autodestruyen
Geek's Room
Digify es una extensión gratis para Chrome que al usuario de Gmail permite enviar adjuntos que se destruyen automáticamente luego de un tiempo determinado por el usuario.
Esta extensión permite conocer cuando un adjunto de Gmail fue leído, especificar las personas que pueden recibir y leer el adjunto y hasta permite borrarlo aún luego de enviado (diferente a la característica de autodestrucción).

Cómo cambiaron las 'apps' nuestra forma de compartir fotos en internet
El Confidencial
“Digify breaks a constant since the beginning of the internet: that most of the data is stored forever.” En cualquier caso no deja de ser sorprendente el auge de las imágenes volátiles. Tal es su éxito que ya existen aplicaciones que permiten incluso compartir archivos que se eliminan automáticamente tras un periodo de tiempo, como es el caso de Digify, algo que rompe con lo que había sido una constante desde los inicios de internet: que la mayor parte de los datos que enviamos a la red queden almacenados para siempre en ella.

Get your head round the cloud: 24 tricks for DropBox, iCloud and more
The Guardian
Specifically advertised to work with Dropbox, Digify is a handy little tool that will cause your files to self-destruct after a certain period of time or shortly after they have been opened, à la Mission Impossible.

App of the Week
Digital Spy
Digify for Android and iOS devices is our app of the week as bringing Snapchat’s philosophy to Dropbox content is an inspired idea with far-reaching implications for sharing files with others. It would not surprise us one bit if Dropbox tabled a bid to acquire this enterprising startup.

Μοιραστείτε µε ασφάλεια τα αρχεία σας
PC Magazine Greece
Με το Digify, µπορείτε να θέσετε περιορισµούς στον βαθµό που θα είναι ορατά όσα στέλνετε. Στο Διαδίκτυο γίνεται διαρκής διαµοιρασµός αρχείων µεταξύ γνωστών και αγνώστων, στοιχείο που, αρκετά συχνά, εγείρει ζητήµατα ασφάλειας, ειδικά για όσους θέλουν να δείξουν σε άλλους πρωτότυπο υλικό που αποτελεί καλλιτεχνική δηµιουργία.

Dropbox-Filesharing mit Selbstzerstörung
Com! Professional (Germany)
Mit dem kostenlosen Dienst Digify wird sicheres Filesharing über Dropbox zum Kinderspiel. Über eine App sind geteilte Dateien nur für bestimmte Zeit abrufbar und zerstören sich danach automatisch.

Projekte vor fremden Augen schützen
Handelszeitung with Bold Economy (Switzerland)
Gewisse Ideen und Bilder sollen geteilt werden, jedoch unter Ihrer Kontrolle bleiben? Digify erlaubt genauere Einstellungen über die Berechtigungen der Empfänger.

The Week's Best Android, iPhone, iPad, and Windows Phone Apps
Gizmodo UK
Sharing files isn’t always easy, and you might not want to give someone permanent access to your shared DropBox folder. Digify make sharing files easy, but with a brilliant feature. Rather than allowing someone permanent access, the sender has the ability to wipe the file from the other person’s phone. It’s a little bit like a manual version of Snapchat, but for files.

Content service addresses privacy fears with self-destructing data
ITProPortal with Betanews
When you send a file to someone else there’s always a risk that it could be copied or forwarded, even if it’s intended to remain private – as many a snapper of naked selfies has found to their cost. There have been attempts to solve this problem in the past of course with services like Snapchat and Yahoo’s Blink, that allow content to be viewed for only a short time, but none of these are aimed at business users.

Digify versieht sensible Dateien mit Kopierschutz und zerstört sie auf Wunsch nach dem Lesen (largest Android app magazine in Germany)
Das Thema Privatsicherheit scheint ein Dauerthema zu werden, auf das auch viele App-Entwickler aufspringen. So verwundert es nicht, dass es nun auch eine Software gibt, die Dateien mit einem Kopierschutz versieht und das Mittracken ermöglicht. Dateien, die für eine ganz bestimmte Person gedacht sind, sollten nicht von anderen gelesen werden können, und wenn sie hochsensibel sind, sollten sie nach dem Lesen am besten gleich ins Datennirwana verschwinden. So der Wunsch der Firma Digify Inc. aus Kalifornien. Deshalb haben die Leute dahinter auch eine App entwickelt, die genau dies macht.

Sécurité : Vos documents peuvent s’auto-détruire avec Digify
Digify est une application vous permettant de partager des fichiers pour une durée limitée. Encore une application de messagerie éphémère ? Pas vraiment, cette fois-ci, il ne s’agit pas de s’envoyer des mots doux ou des photos compromettantes, mais plutôt des documents professionnels ou un fichier que vous voulez bien montrer à quelqu’un mais dont vous craignez qu’il ne le diffuse sur la toile, au nom du libre partage.

Digify, un Snapchat pour documents confidentiels
Digify est un service en ligne qui propose d’envoyer des documents confidentiels qui s’auto-détruisent après lecture, avec plusieurs mécanismes mis en place pour éviter au maximum les fuites.

Digify – Envoyez des documents et des photos qui s’auto-détruiront (famous blogger in France)
Si vous souhaitez partager un fichier (doc, pdf, ppt, images) de manière limitée, voici une petite application qui devrait vous plaire. Cette application pour Android et iOS s’appelle Digify et permet d’envoyer des documents ou des photos à ses contacts sans que ces derniers ne puissent copier ou transférer le fichier. Même les captures écran sont bloquées.

Digify protege tu privacidad enviando archivos que se autodestruyen
Durante los últimos días hemos hablado bastante sobre la privacidad de nuestros datos y las maneras de conservarla. Términos como ataques informáticos, seguridad o cracker han sido el pan de cada mediodía. No hay duda de que, aunque tengamos información sensible en nuestro disco duro, podría estar disponible para cualquiera, en el caso de que nos atacaran. Algo que se agrava cuando la enviamos por Internet. Recientemente conocíamos la existencia de Digify, una aplicación bastante útil que nos servirá para que nuestros ficheros no sean accesibles tan fácilmente.

Önmegsemmisítő dokumentumokat küldene? Ezzel ingyen megoldhatja
Bizonyára sokan szeretnének úgy küldeni dokumentumokat, hogy a címzett csak néhány óráig vagy percre lássa, és ezen kívül ne is tehessen vele semmit. Ezzel az Androidra, iPhone-ra és iPadre letölthető alkalmazással ez is megvalósulhat, ráadásul ingyen.

Les apps qui ont fait leur trou en 2014
Forme de mélange entre SnapChat et Dropbox, l’app Digify sera à suivre en promettant de ne laisser aucune trace des documents qu’on partage.

Obscure llega a la Play Store siguiendo la estela de Snapchat
Tenemos varias apps que siguen la estela de Snapchat como puede ser Digify, Bolt o Slingshot. Slingshot fue lanzada por Facebook para intentar rivalizar directamente contra Snapchat, una app que fue deseada por Zuckerberg y que se negaron a ser comprados por la gran y popular red social, lo que conllevó a que se pusieran las pilas para lanzar rápidamente una app.

Digify è un’applicazione di condivisione facile che lavora con Dropbox. Digify, in poche parole, permette di controllare il file anche una volta che è stato condiviso su Dropbox. Queste operazioni includono la modifica del file o per quanto tempo lo vogliamo tenere visibile. È persino possibile impostare “l’autodistruzione” del file.

Say Goodbye To Email Mistakes - Digify For Gmail Tracks, Unsends And Destructs
Vulcan Post
Digify’s app goes beyond Gmail’s 30-second unsendability window. Users have the option to unsend attachments anytime they want- even after sending the email or when the file is opened by the recipient.
But what truly takes the cake is the file tracking statistics, a feature that sales and marketing professionals will no doubt find beneficial in their line of work.

Sent a file to the wrong person? This Gmail extension undoes the damage.
What’s seen cannot be unseen. That’s especially true for file attachments on Gmail. Yes, there’s an “undo” button for sent emails, but it has a 30-second time limit.
But what if you can block files from being viewed long after they’re sent? A new Gmail extension called Digify lets you do that, and more. You can also track if the file has been opened, limit who gets to view the file, encrypt it, prevent people from printing or downloading it, and even make a file self-destruct in a manner similar to Snapchat.

30 Must-Have Free Windows Tools
Digify lets you share content securely with others without the fear of leakage or others misusing it. It makes you control and protect your ideas and content easily, freely and effectively. You can track and safeguard the access to information you send someone from the moment it is sent.

Welcome changes for entrepreneurs seeking US foothold
About three times a year, Mr Augustine Lim, 38, must apply for a visa waiver to travel to the United States for business; the tech entrepreneur stays here for up to 90 days each time, networking and marketing his software platform.

Digify推文件分享自毁应用 阅后即焚不留痕迹
在互联网世界,”个人隐私”保护显得越来越重要。近期, Digify公司发布了一款”文件分享自毁”应用软件。具体来讲就是,当你通过这款应用软件向对方发送文件后,对方无法直接下载文件,只能在一定时间内浏览,超过这个时间,文件将自动”消失”,类似于Snapchat “阅后即焚”功能,这样就能避免携带你个人隐私数据的文件不会被大范围的传开。

Digify, a Snapchat for documents, is an app Quentin Tarantino would love
In the Mission Impossible films, a message self-destructs in five seconds. Snapchat has turned that concept into a viral hit with 80 million active users. Now, Digify is creating a Snapchat for documents, specifically, images, PDFs, and Microsoft Office files. Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino would find it useful, after his script for upcoming movie The Hateful Eight leaked to the press. He ended up suing Gawker Media and modified his script, wasting time, money, and energy.

RSA Conference APAC & Japan: Innovation critical to tech security
The agility of startups make them crucial in security innovations; Digify takes first place at RSA’s inaugural Innovation Sandbox. This simple solution propelled Digify to the top of the Innovation Sandbox, with Head Judge Thompson noting that Digify “highlighted a simple and inexpensive way to address a recurring challenge of controlling and protecting ideas and information.”

What winning RSA Innovation Sandbox 2014 taught us: Digify
The security landscape is changing all the time, and compromises in security greatly impact individuals and businesses — even more so now with so much information being stored electronically. “Therefore, new and creative solutions are always needed. The RSA Innovation Sandbox is a good avenue to feature startups with new, creative solutions. Digify is proud to be an ISB Winner, especially with RSA’s excellent track record,” he concludes.

10 Best Windows Apps This Week
Technology Personalised (India)
If you too are concerned about your privacy, here is a neat little tool for you. It’s called Digify, and it automatically deletes the files after a specific amount of time. Besides providing the self-destruct abilities, it also adds an additional security layer — which is so sophisticated that it doesn’t even let you grab a screenshot of it! We have talked about self-destruction tools before, and this completely belongs to the best of the leagues.

‘Mission Impossible’ Made In Singapore
Think of Digify as a useful application that destroys any documents without leaving a trace, a timer is set for the recipient to view the document. Once the time is up, the said document is destroyed just like in Mission impossible! Safe and secure documents were never so easy.

Chia sẻ tập tin tự hủy theo thời gian thực
Ky Nguyen So
Digify là một ứng dụng hỗ trợ đa nền tảng bao gồm Windows, Android, Mac và iOS. Cho phép bạn chia sẻ tập tin tạm thời, xem số lần truy cập cũng như thiết lập khả năng tự hủy chỉ với vài thao tác đơn giản.
Middle East

تطبيق «Digify» في «iOS»
Al Kuwaiti News
يقدم تطبيق «Digify» في «iOS» فكرة جديدة لحماية الملفات التي تقوم بمشاركتها مع الآخرين بالاضافة الى ضمان عدم تسريبها وإعادة مشاركتها مرة أخرى، وتستطيع لدى مشاركة أي ملف تحديد فترة معينة يقوم فيها الملف بعملية تدمير ذاتي بعد وصوله إلى جهاز مستقبل الملف، ويجب أن يكون الطرف الآخر مستخدما للتطبيق نفسه، وهو يعمل على أجهزة الآيفون والآيباد والآيبود تاتش التي تحمل نظام تشغيل 7.0 iOS أو الأحدث.

مشاركة الملفات مع الحفاظ على الخصوصية - DIGIFY
What’s seen cannot be unseen. That’s especially true for file attachments on Gmail. Yes, there’s an “undo” button for sent emails, but it has a 30-second time limit.
But what if you can block files from being viewed long after they’re sent? A new Gmail extension called Digify lets you do that, and more. You can also track if the file has been opened, limit who gets to view the file, encrypt it, prevent people from printing or downloading it, and even make a file self-destruct in a manner similar to Snapchat.
Stay in control with document and PDF security
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